


Congo Sole shows evangelical leaders, globally conscious human rights activists, students, and readers of all kinds not only a story of survival in the midst of unbelievable hardships but how prayer and tenacious faith can change the course of a nation.

Emmanuel Ntibonera’s quiet life in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was shattered when the Great War of Africa plunged his homeland into chaos. Only a boy, Emmanuel’s childhood gave way to a daily fight for survival when his family was forced to flee and become refugees. As miracle-after-miracle pulled his family from the brink of death, he devoted his life to God’s work, whatever that may be.

Fifteen years after escaping the Congo, Emmanuel decided to leave the safe borders of America and trace his footsteps back to the life he left behind. What he discovered in the Congo disease, extreme poverty, deficient infrastructure, and, worst of all, a prevalent spirit of hopelessness changed his life forever, setting him on an ambitious mission. As Emmanuel started collecting gently used footwear to bring hope to his people, his work united thousands across the country, even attracting the attention of NBA star Steph Curry.

my Story

Emmanuel Ntibonera

Emmanuel Ntibonera is a gifted public speaker, humanitarian at heart, and a singer/songwriter who has built a successful non-profit the Ntibonera Foundation, which shares the love of Christ while bringing hope and relief to those suffering in the Congo and in Africa as a whole from the ground up. Through his efforts, he has secured fundraising, booked gigs across the country, and raised thousands of pairs of shoes through sheer dedication.

Emmanuel enjoys playing soccer, traveling, and leading worship with his family band while raising awareness about the issues Congolese people face. He graduated from Liberty University with a bachelor’s degree in health promotion & an MBA with a concentration in Project Management.

Emmanuel was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and then moved to Kenya, where he lived as a refugee after his family was forced to flee their home due to war and political instability. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

"Emmanuel Ntibonera is a gifted public speaker, humanitarian, and a singer/songwriter who shares the love of Christ while bringing hope and relief to those suffering in the Congo and in Africa as a whole."

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